The state of Brandenburg has set itself the goal of becoming greenhouse gas-neutral by 2045 at the latest. The path to this goal is described with scenarios and concrete measures in the “Report on the Brandenburg Climate Plan”. On 8 March 2023, the scientific director of the study, Prof. Bernd Hirschl from the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), presented the report to Brandenburg’s Climate Protection Minister Axel Vogel. The report was then presented to the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection.

Read the press release from 8 March 2023 here

“With this report, we are entering the final phase in the creation of the climate plan,” says Axel Vogel. “The measures for the climate plan, which we want to use to achieve climate neutrality in Brandenburg by 2045, will be defined on this technical basis.” The draft climate plan, including the measures, will be presented for consultation as part of an online participation programme from June before being submitted to the cabinet in the summer.

“In the report, we analyse the current developments, framework conditions and trends, design scenarios with different focal points and develop strategies and measures with which the state of Brandenburg can contribute to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement, which is binding under international law,” explains IÖW energy expert and project manager Bernd Hirschl. The various departments concerned and stakeholders from all sectors were actively involved in the development of the Brandenburg Climate Plan. The report was prepared by the IÖW together with BLS Energieplan, LUP – Luftbild Umwelt Planung Potsdam, Reiner Lemoine Institut, IFOK and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

LUP was responsible for the sectors of agriculture and land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF), the latter with a particular focus on maintaining the sink capacity of forests and reducing emissions from peatlands.


You can find the final report, the summary, the interim report and further information under Klimaplan | MLUK.