European NEtwork for Redistributing Geospatial Information to user Communities - Open Data

LUP workpackage-lead of WP 6: Development of new innovative applications
Period: October 2014 – November 2016

The world of geodata is very heterogeneous. Many different actors and stakeholders are involved in the data generation, provisioning and use in various fields of applications (politics, decision making, monitoring etc.). A single system cannot meet all these requirements and compatibilities. Thus, it comes as no surprise that these application domains all have their own unique systems for the provision and use of spatial data, such as the INSPIRE thematic data for the public sector or the GMES/Copernicus environmental datasets.

The goal of ENERGIC OD is the implementation of a new architectural approach in computer science, the so-called “brokering architectures”, which was developed in past research projects and already implemented in pre-operational systems. It makes it possible to connect to existing systems through a single access point, the so called “virtual hubs”, to access spatial data from different source locations. This innovative approach shall foster new and interdisciplinary developments and help to improve data quality. Furthermore, within the project 10 different sample applications will demonstrate the concept, development and significance of the virtual hubs.


The outcomes of the project will be virtual hubs at various spatial levels (regional, national, European) that provide both humans (geoportals) and machines (user surface APIs) access to heterogeneous data sources. It will encourage the use of existing spatial data and the development of new ideas into marketable products and services.

LUP is involved in the development of an interactive application about agricultural biodiversity as a tool to meet the EU biodiversity targets 2020.


This project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) by the European Community – CIP-ICT-PSP-2013-7
